Friday, February 27, 2015

Crystal Wash

Crystal Wash

This is an absolutely amazing product that I love tremendously and it has changed my entire view on doing laundry! These are great and so simple to use. Not only do they have ease to them they are eco friendly a better investment but they are so much more. I have extremely sensitive skin and my entire life my laundry has always had to be washed on its own with very little soap and double rinse cycles. With this I am able to do a normal load of laundry without having to ad extra rinse cycles. My clothes come out clean bright and they smell clean. There isn't a special perfume or scent to it other than they don't have any bad odors and my clothes look and feel clean. This is a great product and saves a lot of money from not having to run my laundry with extra cycles, to saving a lot of money a year on not purchasing laundry detergent. The best part is I don't have any allergic reactions to this as well. I received this as a gift to share my experiences while using this product.
You can purchase your own Here
Crystal Wash

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